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The MYAH is a comprehensive device offering a suite of tools for the effective management of myopia and dry eye conditions, as well as for fitting specialty contact lenses and assessing visual quality.

Advanced MYAH Device by Topcon for Optometry

Available at Compton Eye Associates

Game Changer



Myopia and dry eye conditions are prevalent and progressive, requiring precise monitoring and management. Traditional methods lack the comprehensive capabilities needed for effective diagnosis and monitoring, leading to suboptimal patient care.



The MYAH employs a multifaceted approach, integrating optical biometry, corneal topography, meibography, and pupillometry. This allows for detailed analysis and monitoring of eye conditions, facilitating early detection and tailored treatment strategies.



Topcon's MYAH offers a comprehensive solution for eye care professionals. It enables accurate monitoring of myopia progression and dry eye conditions, supports contact lens fitting, and improves patient care through detailed visual and anatomical assessments.

Topcon MYAH Instrument for Advanced Eye Care

The Transformative Power of Topcon’s MYAH

In the ever-evolving field of optometry, the introduction of Topcon’s MYAH represents a significant leap forward in the management and treatment of myopia and dry eye conditions. This state-of-the-art instrument is not just a tool; it’s a comprehensive solution that empowers eye care professionals to deliver superior patient care with precision and confidence.

The MYAH from Topcon is ingeniously designed to address the growing challenges of myopia, a condition affecting millions worldwide, with a tendency to progress rapidly if not monitored closely. Additionally, it tackles the pervasive issue of dry eye disease, which has become increasingly common in today’s digital age. The power of the MYAH lies in its multifunctionality. It combines optical biometry for tracking axial length, corneal topography for detailed corneal analysis, meibography for examining the meibomian glands, and pupillometry for assessing pupil responses. This integrated approach provides a holistic view of the patient’s eye health, enabling early detection and intervention for these conditions.

What sets the MYAH apart is its precision and ease of use. With its advanced optical biometry, it offers highly accurate, repeatable measurements of axial length, a critical factor in myopia management. The corneal topography function allows for precise mapping of the cornea, essential for diagnosing and monitoring corneal conditions and for optimizing contact lens fittings. Meibography and pupillometry further enhance the instrument’s diagnostic capabilities, providing invaluable insights into the health of the meibomian glands and pupil dynamics.

For eye care professionals, the MYAH is more than just an instrument; it’s a partner in providing exceptional care. Its comprehensive capabilities enable practitioners to make informed decisions, tailor treatments, and monitor progress with unparalleled accuracy.

Embrace the future of eye care with Topcon’s MYAH. Discover how this revolutionary instrument can transform your practice and elevate the standard of care you provide. For more information or to experience the MYAH firsthand, call 800-936-0036 or schedule an appointment today. Your journey towards advanced eye care solutions begins here.

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