Transform Your Vision with EyePrint PRO Custom Lenses

Digital image of an EyePrint PRO custom lens highlighting its unique design

Have you ever wondered if there’s a perfect solution for your unique eye care needs? At Compton Eye Associates, we specialize in providing personalized solutions like the EyePrint PRO custom lenses. These lenses are not just any contact lenses; they are tailored specifically to match the unique contours of your eyes, offering unparalleled comfort and clarity.

What Makes EyePrint PRO Custom Lenses Unique?

EyePrint PRO custom lenses are not your typical contact lenses. They reflect a spectrum of technologies  providing a range of solutions from moderate customization to highly personalized fits. The lenses are produced using high-grade materials that ensure oxygen permeability and hydration.  Lets break down the differences between the different design options.

EyePrint Design Differences

EyePrint PRO: This option offers the highest level of customization. It uses a precise, impression-based method to map the entire ocular surface. The process ensures that lenses fit even the most irregular corneas perfectly. EyePrint PRO is ideal for patients with severe corneal irregularities and those who need the most personalized lens. It is the most expensive option due to its comprehensive fitting technology.

EyeFit PRO: Serving as a mid-tier option, EyeFit PRO uses specially design lenses that offer a good balance of fit and comfort. This method provides a tailored fit for those with moderate corneal irregularities. EyeFit PRO costs less than EyePrint PRO but more than ScanFit PRO, making it a suitable middle-ground solution.

ScanFit PRO: This technology employs digital scans to create custom-fit lenses efficiently. It is best for patients with mild to moderate corneal irregularities. ScanFit PRO is the least expensive among the three, offering a faster and less personalized fitting process than EyePrint PRO.

Each of these products addresses different levels of need for customization and correction, ensuring that there is a precise solution for various types of vision challenges. By choosing the correct lens type, patients can achieve optimal comfort and visual acuity tailored specifically to their conditions.

Are you ready to experience the highest standard in contact lens technology? EyePrint PRO could transform how you see the world.

Benefits of Opting for Custom Lenses

EyePrint PRO custom lenses offer a revolutionary approach to vision correction, especially for individuals with corneal irregularities like keratoconus. These lenses cater to unique ocular needs by providing precise correction, enhanced comfort, and a lower risk of complications.

  • Tailored for Keratoconus: Keratoconus causes the cornea to thin and bulge into a cone-like shape, distorting vision. EyePrint PRO lenses are meticulously designed to fit the unique contours of a keratoconic cornea, offering clear vision by effectively smoothing out the irregular surface without exerting excess pressure.
  • Precision Vision Correction: By matching the exact shape of the cornea, these lenses provide superior vision correction that generic contacts cannot achieve, especially in complex visual distortions typical of keratoconus.
  • Enhanced Comfort: The fit minimizes discomfort often associated with poorly fitting lenses, crucial for keratoconus patients who may have increased sensitivity due to thinning corneas.
  • Reduced Risk of Complications: A precise fit reduces the chance of corneal abrasions and other complications. Better fit promotes healthier tear exchange and reduces the risk of infections, critical for maintaining corneal health in keratoconus patients.
  • Durability and Effectiveness: Custom lenses maintain their shape and effectiveness longer due to their personalized design and high-quality materials, making them a durable choice for managing keratoconus over time.

For patients with keratoconus, EyePrint PRO custom lenses are not just a means of vision correction but a vital part of managing their condition effectively, ensuring comfort and enhancing overall eye health.

Discover the Difference with Expert Eye Care Services in Manhattan

At Compton Eye Associates, our optometrists use state-of-the-art technology to ensure that your EyePrint PRO lenses are crafted with the utmost precision. Located in the heart of New York, our clinic is equipped to handle all your vision health needs with advanced solutions like EyePrint PRO.

Why settle for less when you can enhance your vision health with custom solutions tailored just for you? Whether you’re struggling with contact lens discomfort or you need a more specialized approach to eye care, EyePrint PRO custom lenses might be the answer.

“Before I discovered EyePrint PRO at Compton Eye Associates, I struggled daily with discomfort due to my keratoconus. Standard contacts just didn’t work for me. After switching to EyePrint PRO, not only has my vision improved, but I can go through my day without the constant irritation I used to feel. It’s truly been life-changing!” – Julio R., a satisfied patient.

Ready to See the World More Clearly?

If you’re considering EyePrint PRO custom lenses, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated team at Compton Eye Associates is here to guide you through the process and answer any questions you might have.  Call us today at 800-936-0036 or schedule an appointment.  Learn more about how EyePrint PRO custom lenses can transform your vision and daily life. Embrace clearer vision and comfort with the personalized care you deserve at Compton Eye Associates, right here in Manhattan.


FAQ: Everything You Need to Know About EyePrint PRO Custom Lenses

What are EyePrint PRO custom lenses?
EyePrint PRO lenses are specially designed contacts that match the unique contours of your cornea. They offer precise vision correction, especially for those with irregular corneas.

Who should consider EyePrint PRO custom lenses?
Ideal for individuals with keratoconus, post-surgical corneal irregularities, or those who have not found comfort with standard contact lenses.

How do EyePrint PRO lenses improve vision?
They are tailored to the exact shape of your eye, providing sharper and more accurate vision correction than standard lenses.

Are EyePrint PRO lenses comfortable?
Yes, because they are custom-fitted to each individual’s cornea, they typically offer superior comfort by reducing irritation and improving fit.

How long do EyePrint PRO lenses last?
With proper care, these custom lenses maintain their shape and effectiveness for a durable period, often longer than standard contacts.

Can EyePrint PRO lenses help with keratoconus?
Absolutely. They are specifically beneficial for keratoconus patients, as they smooth out the corneal bulge and provide clear, focused vision.

Where can I get EyePrint PRO custom lenses in New York?
You can obtain these lenses at Compton Eye Associates, where expert optometrists provide personalized eye care services.

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